Monday, October 01, 2007

Down with AT&T!

This is what happens when you have no real, substantial, competition in your marketplace. In most of the US, as I am led to understand, AT&T is the "last-mile" copper provider, but as is the same with Bell in Canada, they must lease that copper out to other companies who wish to provide services on it to allow for open competition. Problem is, that except in the major markets, they don't have any real competition.

So now they change the terms of their internet service contract to a text that basically says, "talk bad about us and we'll cut you off."

Initially I read this on BoingBoing Saturday when it was posted, and was maddened at least enough to repeat "glad I'm not in the US" a few times, but this morning I've heard about it from several sources again, Stacey's shared items feed, and Leo Laporte's This Week in Tech podcast both come to mind right now.

Good to know that others are jumping on this, not that I'm at all convinced it will change anything.

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