Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Triumphant? Return.

I'm back!

I wasn't really gone, but I was really busy. Now with the start of the new school season things will be a little more stable. For today however, two things, entirely related:

I caved, well, not so much caved as decided that I wanted to buy a new camera. I have been looking for the last year but could never bring myself to purchase. Well, it occurred to me that if I don't do it now, and I wait until I actually have the money to do it, I may never. So I did. And it's yummy. It's a Nikon D70S digital SLR. Besides my own exhaustive research on the landscape of similar camera fare, I credit Dooce and Jennifer and the wonderful photos both have published to help in my decision.

Second: I upgraded my Flickr account to a pro account which gives me unlimited storage and 2Gigs of upload per month. Expect Photos!

1 comment:

Scott said...

It's nifty...

I've been caressing it all weekend. Now I have it at school with me. :)