Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Who's the Poker Star?

Poker Star
Originally uploaded by deltacow.
I am! Tonight anyway.

A good poker day today. I won $390 USD in only two games (the pic is the win-screen from the first game).

So...what is the reality of trying to earn a living playing poker? I'm going to spend a little time thinking about this over the next while. You see, I have been playing $5 and $10 sit'n'go tournaments up until this point where you make between $25-$42 if you win...and lately I've been winning about 70% of my plays. Problem is, it can take 2 hours to win that $25 which doesn't make it worth much more than entertainment. Anytime I would try a $20 game (going for the $84 prize) I would usually lose because I was playing far too timid, $20 was too much to risk losing.

Well today I decided that I would probably stand a decent chance of winning at a bigger money table if I could convince myself to play with my normal style, so I played a $50 game (easily covered by previous winnings anyway)...and I won $210.

We'll just have to see what the next few days bring...


The Chief Executive Officer said...

Nice work! This could be you:

Ontario student has $1-million poker face

Anonymous said...

Maybe an addiction.