Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Other Bishops (CSC) News.

(Informing my far off brethren of the state of our school!)

Dimitri has moved offices! I must say, I find more than a little satisfaction that he has now occupied Kent Maharaj's old office. There is talk that Nelly will also move, to Sandra's old office, just across the hall. In that case, the plan would be that the southern wing of 1st floor Johnson would become the computer science wing and attempts would be made to hold most of our classes there and to move the linux lab to that side of the building.

(In Bishops IT related news) Rumour mill has it that not one of the people working in ITS (not one!) has a valid certification in anything. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful plan to set up an IT department? Very little official training and no official qualifications. It's not that I blame the staff here, most of them seem quite nice, rather I blame the former management and a university administration that would set it up this way.

Oh well, I hear that the new manager (who is only an interim appointment currently) is planning on making changes -- I'm at least slightly optimistic.


Scott said...

Unfortunately whatever his personal bias may be (which seems to be leaning the microsoft way) he really doesn't have the power to make any long term changes. That will have to wait until a permanent ITS director is chosen (even if it may ultimately be him).

That said, he does seem to have a better sense about him than most I've seen -- like he might actually listen to reason and choose to believe empirical data over, well, nonsense.

The Chief Executive Officer said...

Completely unrelated to the above, but I don't quite get the delicious links stuff. Maybe I'm just too tired. Why not just a links list? What does this fancy page do for you / me?

Scott said...

Well, being that I use 5 or 6 different computers almost daily, having a web-based links system is really the only way to go as opposed to copying bookmarks files from pc to pc.

What does do for me? Well, besides giving me a quick little javascript button to add a link for whatever page I'm viewing at the time, as a social bookmarking site, if I bookmark a particular reference for myself and see that 200 other people have, it may be a good idea for me to see what other reference sites they've bookmarked on the same subject - I may be missing something that could be useful.

I find this works best for technical or very subject specific sites.