Monday, July 11, 2005

Racoon Update

Originally uploaded by deltacow.
Up until last Monday I've had just two regular racoons that visit my house almost nightly. The first one I call Stumpy because he's, well, stumpy. He has almost no tail. The other one I simply call Mother for reasons which should be obvious.

Last Monday was the first day that she decided to bring her babies (all 4 of them) to the house with her. Before she had her babies she was very comfortable with me, she would take food from my hand with no problem -- after having them, she would come close but would never actually take from my hand, that is, until Sunday night. I think that was a comfort point she needed to reach in order to bring the babies with her the next night. (See a picture of one of the babies in my Flickr stream.)

She's an odd one really, I'm almost positive that she has had a lot of interaction with a dog. If not, I can't explain her behaviour at all. You see, when she's waiting for me to get her something, she lays down on the deck (which racoons do not normally do to begin with) and pants. Yes, pants. Just like a dog.

Just another strange animal spending time at my house.

1 comment:

JonBen said...

That's cool... the flash doesn't bother them eh?