Monday, September 26, 2005


Wow. Not much bloggin goin on here in a while!

Truthfully, that's because there's just not too much happening. Poker happened last night -- it was good, as usual, even though I ended the evening $5 down after three tournament games. Thankfully there was an abundance of red wine still left over from the CSC party last weekend. I consoled myself in it's cheap, stark redness.

(Aside: I'm a work. Someone just asked me what a USB port looks like. I sometimes forget that minutia like that is not necessarily common knowledge.)

Most of this week will be spent in preparation for my trip to Stoney Creek on Friday; I leave at 3am to hopefully arrive just before noon. It will be a phenomenally busy week as we make final preparations to open the new store. Over the weekend I'll begin packing all of my LAN hardware and PCs but I'll stop short of bringing anything over to the new building as the office furniture won't be in place until Monday morning. Sunday evening we have the 'gala' store preview for staff families, neighbouring store owners and invited guests from head office.

Monday morning, my crew of 20 will spend the day moving 22 PCs, 8 servers, 40 dumb terminals, 14 cash registers and all of the associated hubs, swtiches and battery units over to the new site. I'll have 1 day to get everything hooked-up and working before the 'go/no-go' call for Thursday morning opening. I'm not expecting any non-trivial problems.

I'll be back home in Quebec sometime on Thanksgiving weekend -- I'm thinking Sunday -- it all depends on how everything works on Thursday through Saturday technology-wise.

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