Monday, September 19, 2005

Music To Code By.

I'm different from most coders that I know in that when I code I need loud metal music playing (well, that or show tunes, but that's a story for another day), generally the louder and heavier the better. One band that I've been listening to more lately than in the past: Disturbed (the link is a stupid flash site). They've always had some great singles in songs like Stupify and Prayer. On their new album this year, called Ten Thousand Fists, the latest (only?) single, Stricken, is a fabulous coding song.

On a related note, the address for The Edge (CFNY 102.1 Toronto) has changed for those of us linux users that use mplayer to play the stream. (They used to be shoutcast, but now they seem to have moved to Stream the World.) Anyway, this address should be the currently correct one:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats really funny, cause thats one of the band that I have been listening to very often , Prayer and Down with the Sickness. I have been listening to alot of Nickelback also, Photograph is my favorite song right now. BTW this is Fran.