Thursday, September 08, 2005


  • I don't have to go to Hamilton this weekend as previously thought. The new store is at a point right now where I simply don't have enough to do to fill up five days worth of work (or not work that I can't do from home anyway). Instead, I will stay here, there will be a regular poker game on Sunday night and I'll go to the John Deere equipment demonstration extravaganza on Saturday morning.
  • Bishop's has a photography club. My new camera and I will be attending the first meeting, whenever and wherever that may be. Why they would put an article in the school paper, but not provide any seemingly important info like that, who knows.
  • All of Petter's boxes should now be out of Quebec and en route to his new home in BC. Little does he know that I'm holding his new iPod Shuffle hostage. Proof of life photos and ransom demands to follow shortly.


JonBen said...

Blah Blah Blah... all of this talk is fine and good... but didn't a certain someone promise us more photos from his wicked-cool camera :)

The Chief Executive Officer said...

"a certain someone" is good at promising things and not delivering for days and days...

like, ahem, emails and such... ;)

Scott said...

omg people! Stuff is coming. Don't lose your panties (especially you Jon!).

The Chief Executive Officer said...

I never lose my panties, dude.

Edward said...

Yo Scott,

The president of this year's photography club (Andrea) is a good friend of Adam B.'s and accidently slept at my place in Montreal a little while ago.

I'll put you guys in touch.